The Giant’s Stairs
Location: Harpswell
Region: MidCoast & Islands
Activities: Hiking, birdwatching, picnicking
Family friendly
Want a short stroll with dramatic results? Visit Bailey’s Island in Harpswell and hike a half-mile trail along the Atlantic Coast to see the Giant’s Stairs.
About 500 million years ago, the earth buckled and cracked, forming what looks like massive stone steps rising from the sea.
You can watch lobster boats hauling in their traps, sea birds and seals playing in the waters below and just simply enjoy the fresh, salty Maine air. Explore tidepools and see the amazing diversity of life that lives in this challenging environment or marvel at the geologic wonders on display along the coast.
Bring a picnic and make a day out of it!
Driving Distance:
From Bangor: 123 miles
From Lewiston/Auburn: 35 miles
From Portland: 44 miles