Wedding Florist by Janet Black AIFD


Seasonal Hours

Exclusive Wedding Florist and Wedding Planner in the Western Mountains of Maine Wedding and Events creating beautiful memories in the Mountains of Maine florist and wedding. Creating fantastic bouquets and setting the stage for your romantic wedding or event. The Bethel Common, Sunday River Ski Resort, Grand Summit Hotel, Jordan Grand Hotel, North Peak Lodge, Bethel Inn and Country Club, Artist Covered Bridge, Glen House, SkiEsta, Mountain House at Sunday River, Granite Ridge Barn, and 1888 Barn are just a few of the popular destinations.

Janet Black, AIFD AAF PFCI CFD, is a certified floral designer with over 20 years experience. Member of the prestigious American Institute of Floral Designers AIFD in 2009, Designer of the Year 2006 Maine State Florist and Growers Association, Professional Floral Commentators International and recently designed for the White House.

Flowers are my passion and I am excited to create lots lof lasting memories in Maine.