Machias, ME, 168 Main Street, 04654
Seasonal Hours
Payments Accepted
Canoe and kayak guide service and outfitter for eastern Maine. _Go canoeing or kayaking in Maine, it's good for the soul!_ **For over 20 years Sunrise Canoe and Kayak** has offered guided trips and outfitting services throughout downeast Maine and to select destinations throughout the state: - Explore Schoodic peninsula, [Machias bay](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/day-trips/machias-bay-half-day.htm "Machias bay half day"), and the [Great Wass archipelago](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/day-trips/great-wass-archipelago-full-day.htm "Great Wass archipelago full day") by sea kayak or canoe the lively [St. Croix river](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/day-trips/st-croix-river-full-day.htm "St Croix river full day") on our half and full day trips! - Canoe Maine's premier rivers on our multi-day canoe trips! 3-7 day itineraries available for the [Allagash](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/maine-canoe-trips/allagash-river.htm "Allagash river multi day"), [St. Croix](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/maine-canoe-trips/st-croix-river.htm "St Croix river multi day"), [Machias](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/maine-canoe-trips/machias-river.htm "Machias river multi day"), and [St. John](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/maine-canoe-trips/st-john-river.htm "St John river multi day") rivers. - Our [Machias rental shop](http://www.sunrisecanoeandkayak.com/index.html#canoe-and-kayak-rentals "Machias rental shop") offers canoes and kayaks at daily and weekly rates with delivery service available. Guided trips are led by Master Maine guides. Beginners, families, and large groups welcome.