Belfast, ME, 22 Perkins Rd. PO Box 345, 04915
(207) 338-3360Website
Seasonal Hours
As America's oldest window company, Mathews Brothers has one foot in the 21st century and one foot in the 19th. Today, we make some of the most energy-efficient windows in the world, as well as authentic hand-putty-glazed windows. Mathews Brothers offers tours of its factory on a daily basis, from groups as small as one to as large as 50. During the course of the visit, you'll be able to see how we still make windows much like we did prior to the Civil War, as well some of the most energy-efficient windows available in the world today. You'll also see the process of making a sealed insulating-glass unit, one of the most important aspects of an energy-efficient window. At the end of the tour, visitors will see an actual structural test of a window, and witness the effects of hurricane-force winds.