Maine Association of Sea Kayaking Guides and Instructors


Seasonal Hours


Registered Maine Guides

MASKGI guides span the entire coast of Maine, so no matter where you are there's a professional, highly-trained guide ready to show you the beauty of the Maine coast.
Go with a Guide!
The rocky, forest-lined shores of Maine offer kayakers a dream come true. With more coastline than California (over 3,400 miles), you will find innumerable bays, coves, inlets, and beaches to explore. This beautiful coastline can at times provide a challenging paddling environment, with frigid water temperatures, fog, large tidal ranges, and pronounced ocean currents. These conditions are why the state requires any person leading a commercial trip on it's coastal waters or tributaries to have successfully completed the rigorous testing required of a Registered Maine Sea Kayak guide.
Whether you're a local Mainer or a visitor from away, for your safety and enjoyment when paddling the coast of Maine, plan to use a knowledgeable, Registered Maine Guide.