October 5, 2024
Bradley, ME, 262 Government Road, 04411
(207) 974-6278Website
https://www.maineforestandloggingmuseum.orgEvent Dates
October 5, 2024
Travel back in time!
Maine Forest and Logging Museum proudly presents Living History Days, our biggest event of the year. It's a festival atmosphere with activities all over the grounds. In the 1900s era area, we'll have the Lombard log haulers running, as well as our shingle mill and our rotary sawmill. Down the hill takes you back to the late 1700s/early 1800s, with colonial and Civil War re-enactors, blacksmiths, fiber and other demonstrations. Horse-drawn wagons will take guests for rides around the grounds. Bean hole beans, reflector oven biscuits and fresh-pressed cider will be available for guests to try.
10am to 3pm each day