Inns / Bed & Breakfasts in Maine
When you stay at a Maine inn or bed and breakfast, imagine you’re a local. It won’t be hard to do, because you’ll feel right at home wherever you are. Whether you’re staying at a bed and breakfast in Portland or in Bar Harbor, you’ll be seeing some neighbors. So go ahead and smile. Feel free to wave. We do that here. Ask your innkeeper where the locals go for a lobster roll. On your way, take a refreshing walk around the neighborhood. It’s what locals do.
Inns and bed and breakfasts offer you a chance for a close-to-the ground vacation, cozied up and comfortable. Lodgings come in all varieties in Maine, from simple houses to the former mansions of sea captains. Depending on where you stay, you’ll be showered with personal touches, from fancy bedding to home-cooked meals. Folks often ask: What’s the best bed and breakfast in Maine? Or, what are some of the best inns in Maine? Of course, we think it’s a multi-way tie for best. Here’s a sampler list to get you started.
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