

Lincoln, Maine – and the surrounding Lincoln Lakes region – is known for water. With good reason. This area of northern Maine sports over 25 lakes and ponds, sections of four rivers, and countless streams. Needless to say, fun on the water is a mainstay here.

Things to Do in Lincoln

Fishing is especially popular, with many species to be found – smallmouth bass, landlocked salmon, brook trout, togue (lake trout), smelts, white perch and more. And where there’s abundant water, there’s abundant wildlife. Keep an eye out for loons, ducks, geese, herons, eagles, osprey, whitetail deer, bear and moose.

Every July, join the locals for the annual Loon Festival, which includes fun on the water (the Redneck Regatta), a parade, arts and crafts and other activities.

And on each Friday during the summer, head to the Lincoln lakefront for the Lincoln Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market.

Where to Stay in Lincoln

For accommodations in Lincoln, consider the Lincoln House Motel, the Briarwood Motor Inn, the Whitetail Inn, Eagle Lodge & Camps and these additional suggestions. Also scroll down the list of regional businesses below.

Restaurants in Lincoln

Want something to eat? Check out Gillmor’s Restaurant, the Forester Pub and these additional suggestions. Also scroll down the list of regional businesses below.

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Birding & Wildlife Watching

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