Ellsworth, ME, 4a state street, 04605
(207) 664-9220Website
Seasonal Hours
Yoga in Beautiful Outdoor Spaces - Think Global, Yoga Local We provide an incredibly rich outdoor, family friendly experience - all humans welcome in the most beautiful natural spaces on the planet. It’s a super fun experience!
We also have an environmental awareness objective:
This seemingly innocuous outdoor yoga program actually has the potential to avert the environmental crisis of our planet through reconnecting people to the joys of being outside in our protected natural spaces. People who spend time outside tend to give more time and money to protect our natural resources, and yogis are among the most green of consumer populations!
Given that it is the centennial anniversary of our parks system. Now is the PERFECT time to feature our nation’s natural treasures (the parks!) which Obama has said, “Changes you by being (t)here." He goes on to say that there is something sacred about our natural spaces that “connects you not only with your own spirit, but the spirit of something greater” and which the people of each and every community work so hard to care for. Yoga in Your Park classes harness this natural energy and allows our students to ride that sense of interconnection into being a vital and healthy human. And, our classes teach small, easy to implement, but impactful strategies for behavior change at home, to be easily integrated into daily life through simply awareness and loving kindness.
Thanks for reading and please let me know how I can make it innnnncrreeedibly easy for you to share this amazing class. We would love to have you out for one if you are interested.
In grace, Ellen 207.664.9220