Mountain High Backcountry Guide Service


Oquossoc, ME, 229 Stephens Road PO Box 407, 04964-0407


(207) 670-8477


Seasonal Hours


Registered Maine Guides

Guiding 1/2 or whole day. Hunting Fishing, Recreation & Nature Photography. 4-season hiking, Remote fly & spin cast fishing (hike or bike in), Mountain biking, Overnight camping on Mooselookmeguntic and Richardson lakes by canoe, snowshoeing, xc-skiing & snowmobiling in Western Maine, Northern New Hampshire. Lessons in all disiciplines including canoe safety & Archery. Mac offers a service to people so they can experience the Rangeley Region's wonderful outdoor oppotunities with out worrying about how to find their way, proper gear selection or level of dificulty. In addition, Mac can match the clients to the experience to insure maximum enjoyment & safety. Mac specializes in winter activities, catering to individuals and families.