Auburn, ME, 24 Maple Hill Rd, 04210
(207) 783-7733Website
Seasonal Hours
Search information about a lake in Maine. Are you interested in learning more about Maine’s beautiful lakes? If so, you must visit www.lakesofmaine.org, the most comprehensive source of online information about Maine’s lakes, including . . . maps, charts, scientific data, photos, and more. This is the go-to website for anyone who is planning to visit a Maine lake, with a need to know anything about that lake’s size, depth, water quality, fish, etc. Check it out! Both full-time residents, and hundreds of thousands of visitors who spend their summers here, greatly value the pristine lakes that characterize the Maine experience. For more than 45 years, Lake Stewards of Maine has worked with thousands of conservation-minded people who volunteer their time to monitor the water quality of “their” lakes, and screen them for aquatic invaders. For more information, visit: https://www.lakestewardsofmaine.org/