Kennebunkport, ME, PO Box 1173, 04046
(207) 967-2751Website
Seasonal Hours
The History Center @125-135 North St. includes Pasco Exhibit Cntr. showing "Abbott Graves: A Fresh Look at the Artist" featuring works of the American Impressionist painter Tues.-Fri. 10am-4pm through Aug. 28. Benson Blacksmith Shop open 12-3pm Wed. & Fri. through Aug. Clark Shipyard Office, colonial jail cells & turn of the 19th century Town House School open Wed. & Fri. 10am-1pm. Tour the Greek Revival 1853 Nott House, with original furnishings open Thurs. & Fri. 10am-4pm & Sat. 10am-1pm July-Columbus Day @8 Maine St. Enjoy historic village walking tours, guided on Sat. July 3-Oct. 9 @11am and on Thurs. starting July 8-Aug.26 @11am. Also available to be taken self-guided through the purchase of our books @125 North St. or 8 Maine St.