Baker Island / Acadia National Park adventure


Bar Harbor, ME, Bar Harbor Whale Watch Co. 1 West Street, 04609


(207) 288-2386



Seasonal Hours

Join an Acadia National Park ranger on this exciting cruise and adventure. We travel to Baker Island, an uninhabited, 130-acre Maine island. On the way out, we see mansions, spectacular park scenery, eagles, seabirds, porpoise and seals. We land ashore on our 22-foot Carolina skiff, equipped with stairs, handrails and a retractable ramp that extends form bow to shore. This makes your landing safe and easy. Baker Island is one of the crown jewels of Acadia, rich in wildlife, geology, and human history. While there, we visit the 1806 Gilley family homestead with its farm fields and apple orchard. You can walk to the top of the island and view the oldest lighthouse in the area, dating to 1828. Have lunch on the ocean at the amazing 'dance floor' rock formation. Group rates available.