Gaming & Casinos

Maine’s gaming history dates back to the late 1800s, when casinos were built along trolley lines in Portland and Brunswick. Today, you can find a variety of gaming venues throughout the state.


You can enjoy slots and table games such as craps, roulette and black jack at Maine’s two casinos: Oxford Casino in Oxford and Hollywood Casino in Bangor.

Harness Racing

You can wager on live harness races and simulcast events in eastern Maine where you can cheer on your favorite horse at Bangor Raceway and Off Track Betting. You’ll also find live harness racing with betting from August through October at Maine’s agricultural fairs.


If you’re a Bingo fan, you can play for big bucks at the Penobscot High Stakes BINGO on Indian Island in Old Town. Inside the 2,000-seat Sockalexis Bingo Palace, you’ll find as much as $250,000 up for grabs during super Bingo weekends. The venue offers a variety of Bingo games, pull tabs and coinboards. You can book weekend travel and play packages through bus tour operators in New England, New York, New Jersey and Atlantic Canada.

Gaming and Casinos

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