Farm Stands and Farmers’ Markets

Finding fresh, Maine-grown food is easy. Just steer your car towards one of the dozens of Maine farmers’ markets – most opened primarily in the warmer months – and bring your shopping bags. And be sure to check out Maine’s winter farmers markets, too.

Farmers’ markets are great not only for finding Maine produce but also scoring intensely local crops. Sidle up to a market stall and you’ll see peppers and beets and artichokes from right down the road. Foods offered will change by the week and the season, so variety is guaranteed. Besides traditional field crops, markets offer specialties like Maine honey, milk, yogurt, cheese and butter. Maine artists and artisans including potters, fiber artists, painters and others frequent many markets.

All markets are unique. Some are intimate and tucked into local parks while others are large, indoor, year-round affairs with scores of vendors and live music.

The Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets offers this comprehensive list of markets throughout the state. To get you started, here are a few to consider:

Farmers Market at Mill Park, Augusta

This market operates at Mill Park near Augusta’s waterfront during the warm months and in a church building during the winter.

Bangor European Market, Bangor

There is a wonderful variety year-round, including tasty foods such as Greek and Mexican fare to fresh, local produce, eggs, meat, milk, cheese and baked goods. Open every Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Belfast Farmers’ Market, Belfast

Open since 1980, it operates in the warmer months outside on High Street in the yard of the Waterfall Arts Building and inside in winter in the greenhouse at Aubuchon Hardware on Northport Avenue.

Bath Farmers’ Market, Bath

The market opens on Bath’s Waterfront during the warmer months and moves indoors to Bath’s Freight Shed on Commercial Street during the winter.

Belgrade Lakes Market, Belgrade Lakes

Located close to the water in Belgrade Lakes, this market is open during the warmer months.

Bridgton Farmers’ Market, Bridgton

Tucked into this lake community, the market is outdoors in the lot behind the Reny’s store on Main Street during the warmer months and indoors at the United Methodist Church during the winter.

Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust Farmers’ Market at Crystal Spring Farm, Brunswick

Opened in 1999 by the Land Trust, the market is open at the farm during the warmer months. The Brunswick Winter Market is open during the fall and winter in the Fort Andross Mill complex in Topsham.

Portland Farmers’ Market, Portland

The first farmers’ market in what is now Portland opened in 1768. After a number of moves, the summer market is at Monument Square on Wednesdays and Deering Oaks Park on Saturdays. The winter market is at 631 Stevens Ave., the former Maine Girls Academy.

Downtown Waterville Farmers’ Market, Waterville

The summer market is at Head-of-Falls on the Kennebec River while an indoor market is held during December at the Bill and Joan Alfond Main Street Commons.

Wayne Farmers’ Market, Wayne

This small, warm-weather market is located in the lakeside town of Wayne.

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