Maine’s Unique Food & Drink

Sure, you come to Maine expecting fresh juicy lobster and wild blueberries, but you soon will discover there’s so much more to what makes Maine’s cuisine unique.

There are some well-known classics, like Stonewall Kitchen’s delicious variety of sauces, condiments and baking mixes found in their stores in York and Camden, as well as shops across the state. Or try one of the many varieties of Raye’s Mustard made at the only stone-ground mustard mill left in the country.

You don’t need to go to a special shop to find many of these distinctive foods. Many of Maine’s specialties are found in our grocery stores like Bakewell Cream baking powder, Maine maple syrup, Kate’s butter, locally made cheeses, and Morse’s sauerkraut. Bouchard Family Farms French-Acadian ploye mix is a great way to whip up a healthy breakfast of crepe-like buckwheat pancakes. For one-stop convenience, visit Portland’s Union Wharf Market with more than 1,000 of these specialty foods for sale.

Thirsty? Find a wine to sample on the Maine Wine Trail or your new favorite microbrewery on the Maine Beer Trail. Maine wineries and breweries are known for incorporating the deliciousness of Maine into their products, from lobster to blueberries. Be sure to try the sparkling wild blueberry wine, Bluet, now available in cans.

We also have award-winning Maine-potato vodka and gin made by Cold River Vodka. Their blueberry vodka is infused with real Maine blueberries, not artificial flavors.

Wild Root Kombucha has a tasting room in Portland where you can try flights of their many varieties.

Maine’s sodas are beloved, as well. The Maine Root’s organic sodas come in flavors like blueberry, sarsaparilla, ginger and root beer.

More information on Maine specialty foods can also be found at Made in Maine.